Frequently Asked Questions

Answer : A car won’t start because of many reasons. The two scenarios which follow are when the key is turned, there is no sound and when there is the cranking sound but the car does not start. One of the chief reasons is a problem in the starting circuit. This includes the battery, the starting motor, the switches and the wiring. Simply changing the battery will not solve the problem in many cases. You might need to do a complete check to pin point the problem for an appropriate solution.
Answer : It is the regular maintenance of your vehicle so that your automobile keeps running efficiently and potential problems that could leave you stranded are eliminated. Some of the preventative maintenance measures include engine oil change, replacing air filters, servicing or replacing spark plugs, ignition wires, distributor cap, and rotor, gear oil change, routine hose inspection, power steering flush, brake oil flush, trans-axle oil change, anti-freeze inspection/change and a lot more.
Answer : Brakes might squeak for a variety of reasons. However, if you notice that your brakes squeal and grind continuously, this means that your car needs new brake pads as well as shoes. If your brakes are worn, your car will take longer distances to stop and it will be difficult to stop your car in emergency situations. A brake job includes the checking and replacement of worn brake parts so that the braking performance of the vehicle is restored to new condition. The replacement requirements depend from vehicle to vehicle.
Answer : This light is a vital component for a vehicle to function properly. It alerts the driver that a potential problem has surfaced on the on-board diagnostic system of the vehicle. Since the on board diagnostic system of your vehicle is part of the main computer, when this light comes on, it means that a vital system of your vehicle – such as ignition, emission control, or fuel injection system is not operating in proper condition. In case your engine light is flashing, it means that there is a more severe problem that exists in your system and you need to schedule an appointment to get your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Answer : It is quite possible that your engine could hurt if you do so. Hence, you will need to get your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Answer : Common indications are a decrease in gas mileage or rough running. If the check engine light comes on, this could be an indicator that your vehicle needs to be tuned up. Alternatively, your owner’s manual may suggest that your vehicle needs a tune up at a certain mileage.
Answer : The timing belt should be changed between 60,000 and 120,000 miles.
Answer : Your vehicle’s engine oil needs to be changed every 3,000 miles. This is because the additive in the engine oil commences to break down as soon as it reaches high temperatures. At the 3,000 mile mark, it is a good idea to change the engine oil replaced.
Answer : There are several reasons that can cause tire damage. However, the main reason is improper tire inflation.
Answer : Your vehicle needs tire rotate after very 6,000 miles.
Answer : If you do not rotate your vehicle’s tires, then you risk prematurely wearing out the tires.
Answer : Since this is a very serious situation, it is recommended that you shut off the car engine and pull off the road. Do not check the radiator fluid yourself, since this could cause serious burns. If possible, and get it towed to us.
Answer : Although expensive than mineral oils, synthetic oils are a good choice and can be used for longer intervals.
Answer : You need to replace the timing belt at the recommended interval because failure to do so can cause severe damage.
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